Haryana PSC Assistant District Attorney Syllabus:. A starts business with RS 3500 and after 5 months, B joins with A as his partner. The candidates who are interested to apply this job can get the complete details regarding Hpsc Recruitment like: HPSC Naib Tehsildar Online Application, HPSC Naib Tehsildar Eligibility Criteria, Hpsc Naib Tehsildar Exam Dates, Hpsc Naib Tehsildar Exam Pattern, Hpsc Naib Tehsildar Prelims Syllabus & Hpsc Mains Syllabus, HPSC HSC Syllabus & HPSC HSC Previous Papers,. servant who is holding substantive / officiating / contractual / Adhoc appointments in H.P.
State of Haryana and others ..... Once the aspirants got the Haryana PSC Civil Judge Result 2015Â answer key all of them cross checked their answers circled in the exam hall.
. The total vacancies in Haryana Public Service Commission (HPSC) Assistant District Attorney & Veterinary Surgeon post details are given below.. The Court has been told that to prevent any leakage of question papers they cannot scrutinize the correctness of the questions or answers until examination is held. The primarily specialized agency for financing credit requirement of rural people in the country for particularly in agriculture is by HPSCB. CWP No.10309 of 2012 & connected matters - 28 -. So much competition will be expected for Haryana Asst Professor jobs, so applicants should utilize the time properly.. A large number of eligible and interested candidates have applied for this HPPSC SET written exam 2015.But HPPSC SET Result 2015 may take some days to release.
The details thereof have been given in Anneuxre-R-1, which has been appended alongwith reply filed by the Commission.
Mechanical Engineering 14. Kushmanda Distance Learning Programme (Optional Subjects). Online Application Form.
The question may be asked on the Grammar of the language.Sanskrit:Candidates will be expected to show a General knowledge of the history of Sanskrit Literature with special reference to:(a) The Upanishads, the Ramayana and the Mahabharata;(b) The works of Kalidasa, Bhasa and Asvaghosha; and(c) Dasakumara Charita, the Panchtantra Hitopadesha.Knowledge of first-hand reading will be required thereof.Knowledge of the Language will be tested by such exercises as a translation from the language into English and vice-versa, composition on one or more specified subjects, use of idioms, etc.French:In addition to the knowledge of French grammar and structure, the candidates are expected to know History of French literature from the origin of French literature to the beginning of the first Great War (1914).Urdu Language and Literature:(a) Language-The knowledge of Urdu language will be tested by exercises such as an essay, translation from English into Urdu and vice-versa and the use of Urdu idioms.(b) Literature-Candidates will be expected to show a general knowledge of History of Urdu literature with special reference to the works of the following authors: Ghalib, Zauk and Hali.evidence of first-hand reading will be required.Hindi Literature:Candidates will be expected to show a general knowledge of the History of Hindi literature from Vira Gatha Kal to the modern period with special reference to the following authors: Kabir, Surdas, Tulsidas, Bihari, Harish Chandra Prasad, Prem Chand.Evidence of first-hand reading will be required.Punjabi Literature:Candidates will be expected to show a general knowledge of the History of Punjabi literature from the time of Sheikh Farid to the end of the reign of Maharaja Dari and the end of the reign of Maharaja Ranjit Singh with special reference to the works of the following authors: Sheikh Farid, Guru Nanak, Shah Hussain, Bhai Gurdas, PuratanJanam Sakhi Damodar, Buleh Shah, Waris Shah, Hasham Shah.Evidence of first-hand reading will be required.Public Administration:Nature, scope and the significance of the study of Public Administration.Public Administration and other Social Sciences, Methodology, Politic-Socioeconomic-Development and Public Administration.The role of Chief Executive Union Cabinet and Co-ordination of Public Administration.Forms of Organisation Department, Public Corporation, Commission and Board, Administrative Organisation in India.Direction, Communication, Decentralisation, Deconcentration Co-ordination.
After checking out the answer key of Jr Clerk exam, calculate your score and match it with the HPSCB Junior Clerk Expected Cut Off 2015.
Public Administration: |
Nature, scope and the significance of the study of Public Administration. |
Public Administration and other Social Sciences, Methodology, Politic-Socioeconomic-Development and Public Administration. |
The role of Chief Executive Union Cabinet and Co-ordination of Public Administration. |
Forms of Organisation Department, Public Corporation, Commission and Board, Administrative Organisation in India. |
Direction, Communication, Decentralisation, Deconcentration Co-ordination. Methods, Role of O and M Units in an Organisation. |
Public Relations. |
Objectives of Personnel Administration; aspects of Personnel Administration Recruitment Public Service Commission, Training, Terms of Employment, Moral Discipline. |
Financial Administration, Financial Organisation, Budgetary Operations and Control: Audit; Parliamentary Control over Financial Management. Delegated Legislation; Administrative Tribunals. |
Accountability of Public Administration to Legislature, Public Administration, Political Parties, Pressure Groups and the People. |
Judicial Control over Public Administration. |
National Planning in India, Planning Organisation; Administration of Development Programmes. Administrative aspects of Indian Federalism. |
Local Self-Government and Administration-Rural and Urban in India. |
This is a very good news to the people who are looking for the Haryana Government Jobs.
Tags : jobs,hpsc.gov.in,govt jobs,recruitment,upsc,hpsc,answer key,question paper,hpscb junior clerk answer key 2015,www.hpsc.gov.in
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